Abode of Skrocapus

There wasn't a whole lot going on in the world for approximately 5986 years (or a couple billion, depending on what you believe), until Skropacus was born!!

When Skrocapus was born, he decided to make a descision. The descision was to live only to serve his friends and neighbors!! He wanted World Peach!! Unfortunately for Skrocapus, Skrocapus was only four minutes old, and had no knowledge of how to do anything. So he waited, and waited!! For thirty-seven years, Skrocapus grew his knowledge of the world, and only now is he ready to live a true life.

His new life came to a new descision. Skrocapus decided to package himself into a Human Readable Format, and transported himself around the World Wide Web!

Who is Skrocapus?

Skrocapus is a Compressed Caltaanuit!! He comes from a Great Big Star made of copper and gold called Caltanera

It is about four quadrillion light years away from Earth's solar system

What does Skrocapus need?

Eyes. Sight. Acknowledgement. Skrocapus needs to be seen.
Known. Sympathized. Cared. Skrocapus needs love.
Smarts. Books. Brains. Skrocapus needs to know.
Friends. Family. Crows. Skrocapus needs people.

Skrocapus needs you to show everyone Skrocapus. Skrocapus wants to love and be loved. Skrocapus wants to serve. Skrocapus wants you!!